The Try It, You’ll Like It! Blogathon: THE PALM BEACH STORY (1942)

This post is part of the Try It, You’ll Like It! Blogathon hosted by Movies Silently and Sister Celluloid.  Be sure to check out the other entries here!


Let’s be honest.  If you are a classic film fan the chances are good that you have at least one person in your life who is less than excited at the prospect of watching one of your “old movies” with you.  For me that person would have to be my husband.  God love him he tries, he really does, but he just can’t quite muster up the same enthusiasm as I do when I put in a DVD and Barbara Stanwyck comes on screen.  I’ve been trying to convert him, slowly, and I have found some films that he has enjoyed.  Recently, we watched THE PALM BEACH STORY and in my opinion it is a terrific movie to use when introducing non-fans to classic films.


First, a brief summary of the film.  Tom (Joel McCrea) and Gerry (Claudette Colbert) are a married couple in New York City.  They are also currently in a bit of financial difficulty especially as their landlord is showing new tenants their apartment.  Gerry happens to be home during one such tour and takes refuge in a shower.  She is discovered there by a funny little old man who calls himself “The Weinie King”.  When Gerry explains that the reason the landlord is showing their apartment is because they have no money to pay the rent, the Weinie King gives her a large sum of money for no other reason than to annoy his wife.  And the fact that Gerry happens to be a lovely girl with a nice voice.  Gerry gratefully takes the money and gives the old man a kiss on the cheek.

Tom meanwhile is at the office making a sales pitch.  He is trying to convince a potential investor that his idea for a new kind of airport is an idea worth putting some money behind.  When he gets a very excited phone call from Gerry, who is trying to tell him what happened with the Weinie King, he barely has time to listen.  Gerry agrees to tell him everything that night and then hurries out to put the new money to good use.  When Tom arrives home later he is shocked to find that Gerry has paid all the bills and the rent, as well as bought herself a new dress and now she wants to take him out to dinner and theater with the money left over.  Tom is suspicious of this man who came into the house and gave his wife money and wanted nothing in return.  Gerry is slightly offended by this but not for the reasons you might think.  She has been trying for some time to use all of her talents to help Tom get ahead in the world and every time he becomes jealous and ruins things.  Over dinner that evening Gerry, who has had a bit to drink, tells Tom that she firmly believes that while she still loves him it would be in his best interest if she was to leave him.  She is only holding him back and since he won’t accept her help, leaving is the only way she can ensure that Tom’s career will be successful.  Tom dismisses this notion as foolish but even after they return to their apartment, Gerry is insistent that she is leaving him.  But some caring and helpful unzipping of a difficult zipper stop this conversation from going any farther.


Morning comes and while Tom slumbers peacefully, Gerry tearfully writes him a note.  In it she explains that she was perfectly serious last night, that in spite of how much she still loves him she is leaving him so that he will finally be the success he deserves to be.  Unfortunately, Gerry is not super stealthy when leaving the note and Tom wakes up in time to see her leaving.  He gives chase and the two eventually end up at the train station.  Having no money of her own, Gerry must resort to using her feminine wiles and finds success in a traveling group of men who call themselves The Ale and Quail Club.  She waves goodbye to Tom as the train pulls away from the station.  Tom decides to follow Gerry’s train and meet her when she arrives in Florida some time later.  By the time he finds her things have changed.  Gerry is no longer part of The Ale and Quail Club, but she is accompanied by a young man (Rudy Vallee) who happens to be a millionaire and who has bought her an entire wardrobe, and his wife introducing him as Captain McGlue to a very forward woman (Mary Astor) with a boyfriend named Toto.


THE PALM BEACH STORY is crazy, zany Preston Sturgess goodness.  It is just fun!  And that is what makes it such a great first film for non-classic film lovers.  Comedy is perhaps the easiest genre to take when trying a new kind of film, book, or television show.  Humor is a universal value and something we all can enjoy.  It sets people at ease, perhaps making them feel less pressured to do anything more than enjoy the film they are about to see.  Comedies don’t have to be dissected or discussed, although they can be certainly, they really only need to be enjoyed and it doesn’t get much better than Preston Sturges.

Too often people think of classic films as slow, clunky, and boring.  These are three words that will never be used to describe THE PALM BEACH STORY or Preston Sturges.  With THE PALM BEACH STORY, Sturges is at the top of his game and throws himself and the audience into the zany story with reckless abandon.  The story, the characters, and the jokes come fast and furious and with such enthusiasm that we can’t help but get swept up in it.  Have a friend who says that old movies are dull?  Show him this movie and stand back!  The comedy makes the transition easier, the ability to forget that the film being watched is over sixty years old simpler, and the preconceived notions of classic films seem foolish.  This is an old movie that doesn’t feel like an “old movie” and this is because Sturges has crafted such a clever, funny, and enjoyable comedy that it has become timeless.  In case you are still on the fence about whether or not THE PALM BEACH STORY is a great film to show a novice fan, here are three reasons why you should courtesy of The Criterion Collection.

So back to the night I showed THE PALM BEACH STORY to my husband.  He liked it.  He really liked it.  He laughed.  Out loud.  Several times.  And days later he would look at me and say “Nitz Toto!” and start laughing.  I don’t think you can ask for a better review than that, do you?



27 thoughts on “The Try It, You’ll Like It! Blogathon: THE PALM BEACH STORY (1942)

  1. Movie Movie Blog Blog December 5, 2015 / 3:28 pm

    What a beautiful summation of a great comedy. I don’t have to tell you how much I love this movie, and you summed it up perfectly. I can also appreciate your satisfaction at having hooked your husband on it as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • nowvoyaging December 5, 2015 / 3:40 pm

      😊 Thank you! It is definitely one of my favorites!


  2. thebasementtan December 5, 2015 / 4:23 pm

    Haven’t seen this film in ages, so I’ll have to watch it again with my husband in tow (fortunately he likes classics, although musicals are a tough sell). I agree that pure and simple fun is a great way to disarm people and show them what classic films can be. What works so well about Sturges is he’s a little bit cynical and a little bit sexy, which I think resonates with people more than pure slapstick.

    Liked by 1 person

    • nowvoyaging December 5, 2015 / 4:49 pm

      I agree! My husband seems to like musicals funnily enough or maybe he just likes Fred Astaire!


  3. Erin December 5, 2015 / 4:25 pm

    Excellent choice! This is probably my favorite Preston Sturges movie, and I was laughing hysterically just watching Criterion’s three reasons video. I like what you said about comedy putting people at ease too, and how they don’t feel that they need to dissect and discuss them (unlike, say, Citizen Kane or other rather intimidating classics). Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Patricia Nolan-Hall (@CaftanWoman) December 5, 2015 / 5:11 pm

    Ah, Sturges! Even the most cynical of non-classic fans should be able to appreciate the genius that was Preston Sturges. They don’t come any wilder and goofy than “The Palm Beach Story” – and that cast – who wouldn’t want to see more of those appealing people. Great choice and review. Fabulous job on the hubby!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ClassicBecky December 6, 2015 / 12:33 am

    Well, I have to admit, to my shame, that I’m a classic movie lover who has never seen this film! The title always made me think it was one of the many musicals that I wouldn’t be interested in it. Now that I know what it truly is about, I can’t wait to see it. I hope I can find it soon — if I can’t you will be responsible for my frustration! LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    • nowvoyaging December 6, 2015 / 12:59 am

      Haha! I hope you can see it soon! I would love to hear what you think!


  6. Peter Putzel December 6, 2015 / 4:11 pm

    I’ll have to give this a shot, as I’ve never seen it. Sturges and Howard Hawks are good directors to start with when trying to convince someone that old movies are awesome. And, yes, when a movie doesn’t feel old, it has a greater chance of success when trying to convert.

    My wife has watched a few things with me, but I’m still working on bringing her into the fold. Let me know if you have any other secrets to converting the spouse.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Silver Screenings December 6, 2015 / 5:10 pm

    Brilliant choice for the blogathon. SO many good lines – “We can look for new husbands together!” – as well as so many interesting characters as portrayed by a perfect cast. I could watch this movie once a month and never get tired of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Movies Silently December 6, 2015 / 6:21 pm

    Thanks so much for joining in! Yes, Preston Sturges is such a great ambassador for classic film because the whole “dull, long, slow, boring” thing simply does not apply! So glad this worked as a conversion picture for your husband. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • nowvoyaging December 6, 2015 / 6:45 pm

      Thank you for hosting! Another fabulous event!


  9. December 10, 2015 / 12:28 pm

    This is a delightful movie! I really liked Mary Astor in this one, and I wish she had much more screen time. Indeed, the film is fast-paced and is still as funny today as it was when released. I’m glad to know that your husband liked it!
    Don’t forget to read my contribution to the blogathon! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Joe Thompson December 12, 2015 / 5:40 am

    “Comedy is perhaps the easiest genre to take when trying a new kind of film, book, or television show.” Yes, yes, yes. Good choice.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Mary Aalgaard December 16, 2015 / 1:53 pm

    I love the hair and clothing styles of the 1940’s. Well done bringing your husband into the fold! Humor is indeed an ice breaker.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Mary Aalgaard December 16, 2015 / 1:55 pm

    I’m also participated in this blog fest. I’m making the rounds slowly through the list, and it’s full of great movies, most I’ve never seen!
    Play off the Page

    Liked by 1 person

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