More Classic Crafting and Decoupage

The lovely Karen over at Shadows and Satin is awesome, we know this. So when she said she would be interested in a decoupage notebook, something pre-code or noir, I wanted to make something as awesome as she is! Here is what I came up with:

It’s a pre-code and noir decoupage mashup! I am happy with how it came out and I hope Karen will enjoy it! This bad boy will be whisking his way to his new home soon…but if you like what you see let me know and maybe we can create a mashup just for you!

I Made Something…

While taking part in TCM’s online course celebrating film noir, as part of the Summer of Darkness, I was inspired to be crafty! So thanks to my sister (who told me what I needed and how to do it), I went to the craft store today and this is what I made!  


This is my first attempt at decoupage so there are some wrinkles and bubbles but I’m pretty happy! I wouldn’t be opposed to making more if people wanted them so let me know what you think in the comments and what themes you think would look good!